कुकुरहरुको मासु खाने भियत्नामिहरु - फोटो फिचर -4
Demand for dog meat continues incessantly in many Asian countries like Vietnam, China, and Korea. countless dogs are stolen at night from the porches and gardens that are their homes and they wind up on the butchers block still wearing the collars that were around their necks when they were taken.
चाइना, कोरिया लगायत भियत्नाम त्यस्तो देश हो जहाँ अत्यन्तै इमान्दारी र बफादारी घरपालुवा जनवरको रुपमा विश्वभरी नै मानिएको 'कुकुर' को मासु खाने गरिन्छ । यहाँ कुकुरहरुको मासु किनबेचको लागि व्यवसायिक फार्म हाउसहरु सन्चालन गर्ने गरिएको छ । - (फोटोहरु)
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